My companion and I |
There's a scripture I found in my studies I'd like to share. It says:
And again I say unto you, ye must repent, and be baptized in my name, and become as a little child, or ye can in nowise inherit the kingdom of God. (3 Ne 11:38)
I love how pure and open children are. This past week we've had many opportunities to work with younger siblings and friends of our members and I'm always impressed at how open and pure their hearts are.
Primary Program |
This past Sunday one of our investigators bore her testimony during the primary program--and she's halfway through 1st Nephi in less than two weeks. Seeing how the gospel brings a light to her eyes makes me understand why Christ wants us to be as children.
I love you all.
My companion and I during language study |
Building a better mousetrap |
Our new investigators |
Going to Tawatburi |
Finding a less-active member before biking 25 kilos back to the church |
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