Our General Conference setup |
It's insane exactly how inspired that
general conference was for me. I feel so selfish, I didn't realize the speakers got all of my questions
Jokes, I hope you all enjoyed it and received answers too. I loved it. I wish I could tell you exactly just how much I loved it. Every talk was my favorite. In lack of not knowing how to describe my love of this past weekend, let me turn to the scriptures to find an answer:
There's a scripture in the bible that reads:
"In the light of the King's countenance is life; and His favour is as a cloud of the latter rain." (Proverbs 16:15)
I loved general conference and I think this is how I felt listening to it--literally in the presence of God, because my soul was filled with light that brings eternal life. And the answers and wisdom that came to me from those hours poured down like rain, which it just so happened to rain the day before general conference พอดี
I love you all and have a wonderful week.
Dog whisperer behind the church |
Here's a long story:
Sister Donlaya and I had an appointment and needed to ride our bikes to get there, which were at the church. But we got to the church and it's locked and the man with the gate key has gone home and he's really old and we felt bad to ask him for the key (even though he lives across the street from the church). So I'm like, no problem, I'll just climb over and I'll lift the bikes over to my companion. So I climb over, and just before I'm about to lift the first bike and I'm like, hold on. This is way hard probably impossible. Then the bishop then pulls up and is like, do you need any help? (this is general conference worthy) And we're like, yeah, so then he opens the gate for us. We take our bikes out, lock the gate back up, and the bishop who just happened to be driving by, heads back home. Talk about miracles.
....Then the other sisters come walking up perhaps not more than 1 minute after the bishop pulls away and are like, wait, is the gate locked? We need our bikes.
Getting help "finishing the job" |
So I'm like, okay take two. I climb the fence (again) and then this time I bring the bike over and start lifting it up and sending it over (the other 3 sisters are on the other side to receive the bike), and holy schmutz it was not only the most difficult thing I've ever done but also perhaps the funniest scene anyone has ever seen because พอดีว่า a couple of guys saw us, laughed, and ran over to help us.
So I have an answer the question, "how many people does it take to steal a bike from the church?" which is, as many people as you need because in Roi Et they don't ask questions when you look fishy... they laugh and come help you finish the work.
And now I have 3 bruises.
On a different "note", I did find the "Bell of Life", and here is proof in this video.