This week was pretty big--we had a worldwide missionary broadcast and they changed how we do some of our planning. Did I mention we watched the broadcast at our president's home, eating Sister Johnson's homemade legendary cinnamon rolls? That's another story.
I love our investigators here in Asoke. One of them lived in Idaho for ten months with a host family that were members. Now she is applying for BYU Hawaii, and that's how we met her...coming to church for her ecclesiastical endorsement. Another is sister Bow, she reads the book of Mormon and writes down small summaries of what she reads shares them with us to make sure she understanding right. Our other investigator is Brother Nat. He drives a car for a rich Japanese guy and takes his Book of Mormon with him everywhere. His boss asked him what he was reading and now he's going to give a copy of the book to his boss. #Spreadtheword.
Asoke is a blessed area. The city is big and full of potential. I was walking down the street one day contacting with my companion and we met someone who showed us a sketch of the temple on his phone. I am so excited for the temple to be here in Thailand.
I know this church is true and the Lord loves you.