Boo's baptism |
Our investigator, ปู่สมาน got baptized this week! In Thai we call him "Boo" which means grandpa. (but that depends on the tone though too because Boo also means crab)
50-year anniversary celebration of LDS Church in Thailand |
We also had Thailand's 50 year anniversary celebration of the Church being dedicated in Thailand.
Now if you're interested, here's a dose of miracle for your day:
I had a switch off in an old area of mine, actually with my old companion too, Sister Nan. We had an appointment at the university there with a new member. We walked to the cafeteria to wait there, and sat down at an empty table next to another table where a girl was by herself eating lunch. We struck up a conversation, chatting about life until she invited us to sit at the same table as her. Then we start talking about the gospel and why we are here waiting at the university, when our member we planned to teach walked up and sat down at the table with our new friend named Bom. We invited Bom to continue to sit and hear a message with the new member we had an appointment with, and she accepted. It turns out, it's just what she needed. Bom was pretty stressed with a lot of things going on in her life and she didn't know how to deal with it all. Because we made the effort to start a conversation, we were able to introduce prayer and invite Bom to pray before we left. After Bom finished praying, she surprised us by asking how many times she was allowed to pray during the day. Of course we replied happily, "all day, every day!"
What I love about this miracle is that we could have just as easily sat there waiting for our member to come, not talking to anyone, but because we reached outside of our comfort zone, we became useful instruments in God's hands. A comment that brought goosebumps to all of us is that Bom didn't know why she came to eat at the university. She's not a student there, and she said she normally just makes food at home. Something inside her made her feel like she should go eat at the university that day. And because we were putting ourselves out there, a miracle occurred. I can't count the number of times I've sat down and had conversations with people that aren't interested, how many people have rejected our message. But I do know that all we do is for the small moments we can bring to pass like this miracle. I have a testimony that miracles are real and that with faith and lots of effort, they may come to pass.
Love you all, work hard and seek out the miracles!
Getting ready to go to the 50-year anniversary celebration |