It's been a good week but yesterday I definitely missed you guys a lot. We watched "Meet the Mormons" video and when the story about the missionary mom happened everyone was like laughing at how true half that stuff was, and we were all crying. It was a mess to see. :')
Well my face has been a nightmare to work with haha. It's so dry here and all the stress is insane so I'm hoping my skin gets better as the weeks go by. Haha there is a funny quote from a video we watched about stress during class: "Without stress you're dead." Not sure how I feel about it.
I love hearing about everything, even the small stuff! I like how I got multiple updates from the fam about the leaky toilet being fixed. I'm so glad to hear it's okay now, I was worried haha.
[re: Mom's question] Eating well is a pretty relative term. But no worries I'm eating mostly healthy meals. MTC cafeteria is basically like Cannon Center but with less food, no applesauce and more canteloupe. And they keep running out of mint choc chip ice cream! We eat in the cafeteria for lunch and dinner but breakfast we get up and get a sack breakfast and then eat it on our floor of our residence hall. Today we just figured out where the vacuums are stored...our floor was getting pretty gross. Oh! also when we were in the gym during gym time we found 2 bats! They were sleeping on the wall, I have no idea how they stuck to it. I thought they were dead then I remembered bats sleep in the day.
[re: a question about workout options] There are other workout classes! The other day we were super pumped to go to a relaxing yoga class only to find out it was this crazy ab workout, still fun though.
I'm getting more comfortable teaching, although thai still has plenty of room for improvement haha. I'll figure it out one day.
My schedule here is extremely the same. Today is P-day so we've just been chilling out. We did laundry, went to the temple, ate food, watched the Phii Thais play soccer against the Canto district--they lost I'm pretty sure but we left during their half time. The next thing on my schedule is dinner and then we have class this evening, planning, and then bed time. On not P-day, days are different only by the order we do things but we do the same things: breakfast on the floor, gym, get ready, personal study, comp study, lang study, lunch, class, add. study, dinner, class, add. study, planning, and then bed time. Tuesday nights we have a devotional instead of another block of class, and Thursdays our comp and lang study are cut short because we do service, but other than that, I feel like an episode of Monk. On Saturday's we are supposed to start doing TRC but I don't know what that is yet except some say it's fun, some say it's stressful, and I'm guessing it's a bit of both.
Okay now for the good stuff: So we had our last lesson teaching Phii Boh which was really sad because he committed to baptism and church on Sunday! But he said he was "moving back to Thailand" and he wanted to meet with the missionaries there in Roy-et. He even made a video for us, thanking us for letting him feel the spirit and learn about prayer and Jesus Christ. He even learned how to say "Thank you very much" in English for us. Seriously brought tears to my eyes.
The next day Phii Boh showed up in our class as our teacher!!! Which also brought tears to my eyes. His name is actually Brother Yeun, he's Taiwanese not Thai, and he is from Cali and he just got married to another teacher at the MTC. And seriously he is the best!!! I'm so glad he's teaching us now. Also he's a huge Lost fan.
On Sunday, Lloyd Newell came and did MTC and the spoken word--it was awesome! I was in the choir too so it was super fun and spiritual :) His message was so great: with the Lord's power, love, and a sound mind, we can conquer fear and do anything the Lord has in store for us. Wish I could say more but I'm running out of time, so I'll just share what Bro Newell's favorite scripture is: 2nd Timothy 1:7. Look it up! I love it.
Me and my comp! :) |
The other day when we were teaching Phii Boh (now Bro Yuen) we wanted to give him a Book of Mormon, but we didn't have a Thai one, so me being all brilliant, I took a piece of paper, wrote "Book of Mormon" on it in Thai, and wrapped it around a Portuguese one. We all got a kick out of it during the lesson! Brother Yuen brought it back to us when he came to surprise us as our teacher so now we keep it in our class for old times sake.
Our makeshift Thai Book of Mormon |
Miss you all, and I look forward to hearing from you!